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New Connections and Old Tools

By: Linwood Watson, MD (picture by Linwood Watson, MD) As so many of us race to a new smartphone or app update, one lesson the NC Native...

A Brief Ramble on Blackberry Brambles

Image credit: Few things speak to a rural Eastern North Carolina summer than a spoonful of Cool Whip whip cream on top...

The Consequences of Knowledge

On a crisp and sunny October day, the Mulberry man and his wife ended a two-year quest to find a fabled century old mulberry tree. The...

Connecting the Parts With An Elder

(Author Note: The following is an accurate paraphrasing of an interview with a Haliwa-Saponi elder. It is shared with permission. It is...

A Native American Fruit You Need to Try!

Contributed by: Linwood Watson, MD, Haliwa-Saponi (and small time orchardist) Most people figure that once late fall sets up, tree fruits...

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